Terms of Service 使用协议
1. Service Description
Tempognize (hereinafter referred to as "we") provides time management and learning assistance services based on artificial intelligence. By using our services, you agree to the following terms.
1. 服务说明
2. Service Changes and Termination
- We reserve the right to modify or terminate the service at any time without prior notice.
- We reserve the right to reduce your remaining usage at any time without prior notice.
- We reserve the right to start charging at any time without prior notice.
- We will try to notify you of any significant changes in advance.
2. 服务变更和终止
- 我们保留随时修改或终止服务的权利,无需事先通知。
- 我们保留随时减少您剩余使用次数的权利,无需事先通知。
- 我们保留随时开始收费的权利,无需事先通知。
- 我们尽可能提前通知您任何重大变更。
3. User Responsibilities
3.1 Account Management
- You need to register an account and maintain the accuracy of account information.
- You should properly manage your account and be responsible for all actions under your account.
- You agree not to engage in any illegal or improper behavior.
3.2 Data Management
- All notes in Tempognize APP are stored locally on the phone. Uninstalling the APP or changing the account you log in to will result in the loss of all data. You should back up all data you think is important.
- You should keep your account properly and be responsible for all actions under the account.
- You agree not to engage in any illegal or improper behavior.
3. 用户责任
3.1 账号管理
- 您需要注册账号并保持账号信息的准确性。
- 您应当对账号进行妥善保管,对账号下的所有行为负责。
- 您同意不会从事任何违法或不当行为。
3.2 数据管理
- Tempognize·知时APP所有笔记全部保存在手机本地,卸载APP,或者更换登录的账号,都会导致全部数据丢失,您应该自行备份所有您认为重要的数据。
- 您应当对账号进行妥善保管,对账号下的所有行为负责。
- 您同意不会从事任何违法或不当行为。
4. Intellectual Property Rights
- All content in the service belongs to us or our licensors.
- Without permission, you may not copy, modify, distribute, or commercially use this content.
4. 知识产权
- 服务中的所有内容属于我们或我们的许可方。
- 未经许可,您不得复制、修改、分发或商业使用这些内容。
5. Disclaimer
- The service is provided "as is", and we do not provide any express or implied warranties.
- We are not responsible for any losses caused by the use of the service.
5. 免责声明
- 服务以"现状"提供,我们不提供任何明示或暗示的保证。
- 我们不对使用服务造成的任何损失负责。
6. Agreement Amendments
We may update this policy. The latest version on the official website shall prevail. We will not notify you separately in the application.
6. 协议变更